NATURLYTE removes toxic gases, improves water quality, and promotes fish growth in aquaculture ponds.

Oxidizers & Toxic Gas Absorbents


Naturlyte helps to improve the water quality of pond by removing toxic gases, unwanted microbes & also by improving the level of dissolved oxygen. As an oxidizer it inactivates pathogenic organisms in water and also helps in pond disinfection. The oxidizing capacity makes it to release Oxygen into the pond, as  the DO levels increase in the pond, problems like Anorexia can be reduced too. Naturlyte oxidizes the organic matter of the pond, reduction in black soil formation ,  thereby preventing formation of gases like H2S. , preventing DO problems, stress, black gill and mortality issues. Acting as a good gas absorbent.  As a result pond becomes clean, free of microbes and helps in for the  healthy growth of fish.



  • NATURLYTE removes toxic gases like Ammonia, H2S & Nitrites due to that effectively reducing the formation of Black soil.
  • Improves water quality and D.O. levels in pond water. It increases feed intake and glaze of fish. It stabilizes physico chemical parameters of pond water. It provides favorable conditions to fish growth.
  • Oxidizing agents help in increasing D.O. levels in pond water and maintaining it for long period.
  • The presence of trace elements in this product helps to ensure good phyto and zoo plankton blooms.

25-50 kg/ hectare, during culture or 50 to 100 kg/ hectare, during pond preparation. (OR) as suggested by an Aquaculture consultant.